We Promise You a firm commitment and adherence to a Code of Moral and Ethical Values.
At JJFitzgerald we know that without Integrity, our work would have no substance. We also know that Integrity is the stable force behind countless leadership role models. It is through these great leaders that we model integrity by being honest and doing what is right no matter the circumstances. At JJFitzgerald Integrity re-quires us to make the right choice, even when we may not receive personal gain from the outcome, and to put our own personal agenda aside for the greater good of the organization and the people whom we support.
Therefore, we offer our clients and their customers’ full disclosure and honest communications. We strive to constantly and consistently uphold our ability to bring parties together to work toward a positive and fair resolution, with all parties knowing that transparency is our goal.
But we don’t stop there; our business model and promise to our clients extends to three addition-al factors that we believe are critical to any successful partnership.
A devoting or setting aside for a particular purpose.
JJFitzgerald Business Consultants understand that organizations are seeking business for one primary reason: a strong Return On Investment (ROI). So we make it our mission to develop and create strategic solutions that are designed to build a strong foundation.
How do we do it? We work diligently with our clients to identify where they were yesterday, their corporate objective for today, and where they want to be tomorrow. We then craft a solution to achieve their objectives for tomorrow; working for our clients to decisively execute a strategy to fulfill their needs and goals.
Occurring or persisting from beginning to end.
A signed government contract is not our end goal. We believe instead that a successfully executed contract is the more important goal and, thanks to JJFitzgerald's experience and personal attention to detail to every client and on every contract, we make you the promise of "cradle-to -grave" satisfaction of issues during contract performance.
Relating to and extending over a relatively long time.
At JJFitzgerald we are proud of our reputation, and we promise our clients that every decision we make on their behalf is based on our reputation for creating a "win/win" solution. The resulting long-term customer goodwill is a hall-mark of JJFitzgerald Business Consultants, and is further underscored by JJFitzgerald's personal leadership on emerging procurement and budget issues that ultimately drive policy, program-acquisition strategies, and business trends.
We believe that by codifying our commitment to integrity and values, we set the course for the company's focus on culture and ethics that are still growing stronger today.
We have adopted a formal statement of our business ethics, which translate into our Core Values. Our business integrity, diversity and inclusion, and a strong spirit of service to our customers define our collaborative culture. As a group and a team we are expected to know and operate by all of these Core Values, which includes Our Promises To You!